Computer Recycling in Toronto
If you’re getting rid of any computers, laptops, monitors, printers, keyboards, computer mice, tablets, smartphones, etc. then recycling is indeed an excellent approach for our environment. Here’s a website that will show you drop-off places within Ontario – If you browse through the site you’ll also learn more about what can be recycled as well as local recycling events.
And of course, Toronto has a few of their own recycling drop offs via their waste transfer stations (but not all of them) – Here’s the list.
Finally, in Toronto, you can also leave some items merely at your curbside. Here’s the basic guidelines:
- Set electronic items out on Garbage collection day for pick-up 0.5 metres (2 feet) away from your Garbage Bin.
- Make sure the items can be seen by the collections crews.
- Put large items such as computer monitors and televisions on the ground.
- Put small items such as cell phones in a clear plastic bag or in an open cardboard box.
- Eectronics will be collected by a different truck after your garbage has been picked up.
Now before you get rid of that ever so precious computers and laptops, there are some things you should do beforehand, but thats a topic for next week.